Distance learning allows you to build a successful career even if you do not have a Matric. There are many courses you can do that do not require a Matric Certificate.
Here is a list of distance learning colleges that offer courses without Matric:
What Courses Can I Study Without Matric?
Here are the following courses you can do without Matric:

ICB Courses
Here is a list of courses that ICB offers:
Must have Grade 10
Must have Grade 11
Must do an ICB Bridging Course if you do not have a Matric or Matric Equivalent Certificate.
Financial Accounting
Financial Accountants are in charge of the business’s financial activity. They are required to handle, among other things, payroll and taxes.
To gain entry into this course, students must complete Grade 10 and be able to read and write in English. Here are the following Financial Accounting courses in the ICB Financial stream:
National Diploma
Business Management
Business managers are in charge of the daily operations of a business. They make sure that the company’s goals are met.
To gain entry into this course students must complete Grade 11 and be able to read and write in English. Here are the following Business Management courses in the ICB Business stream:
Higher Certificate
Office Administration
Office Administrators do all of the daily tasks within a business. Their job requires them to schedule meetings, answer phone calls, and direct visitors.
To gain entry into this course, students must have a Matric Certificate, Equivalent or complete a bridging course. Here are the following Office Administration courses in the ICB Administration stream:
National Diploma
Why Must I Do A Bridging Course?
The ICB Bridging Course allows you to start with a Grade 10 certificate and a basic understanding of English. Once you have completed this course, you gain entry into the Office Administration course. The bridging course offers the following subjects:
- Bookkeeping To Trial Balance
- Payroll And Monthly SARS Returns
- Computerized Bookkeeping
- Business Literacy
Short Courses
There are two types of Short Courses focus on at Matric College:
- ICB Short Courses
- Matric College Short Courses

ICB Short Courses
If you are unsure of what career you want, you can register for single subject Short Courses. You will receive credits for courses completed. If you do not have the time, because of work or home responsibilities, you can split the course up into individual subjects. This allows you more time to complete the course.
Note that these may be under no matric courses or “matric equivalent courses“
Once you have chosen a few subjects, you can decide whether you want to further your education with an ICB qualification.
Matric College offers Short Courses that are aimed at teaching students specific skills. These courses can easily be completed and are cheaper than Accredited Courses.
Their shortest course is 2-months long and they have many more that only take 4 months to study. Here is a list of Short Courses you can do:
- Child Care Courses
- Beauty Courses
- Events And Wedding Planning Courses
- First Aid Concepts Certificate Course
- Tourism And Guesthouse Management Courses
I Want To Complete Matric: What Are My Options?
Here are the following courses that you can study without a Matric Certificate. These all count as Online Matric courses. Watch the Matric College principal explain all you need to know about studying without a Matric.
Adult Matric
You can enrol in the Adult Matric course. This allows people over 21 and only have a Grade 9 certificate to get a Matric Certificate. A Senior Certificate (Amended) is awarded to adult learners who have passed their Adult Matric exams. The recommended time for this course is 3 years because you do work from Grade 10 -12.
Depending on how fast you learn you can complete the course within a year. You can also do half of the course in one year and the rest in the next, which makes it 2 years. Study Online Matric to help reach your dream career.
Matric Upgrade
You can upgrade your Matric results if you either failed a subject, or were not able to write the exam. There is no limit to how many subjects you can write or the number of times you can write the exams. If you wrote your Matric in 2008 or after and you want to improve your results or take on new subjects, a Matric Upgrade gives you the chance to do so. You will receive a National Senior Certificate after completing this course.
You can complete this course with your Matric results from Umalusi or an incomplete Matric. You have to be 21 or older to complete this course.
The Matric Upgrade course allows you to change your subjects. For example, if you previously had Mathematics you can change it to Mathematical Literacy.
I Have Matric But Want To Improve My Marks: What Can I Do?
Here are the following courses that you can study if you want to improve your Matric results:
Matric Rewrite
You can apply for a rewrite if you wrote Matric in the last three years. The supplementary exam gives you a second chance at achieving those results you need to study the course of your choice.
Can I Do Matric In 3 Months?
Yes, you can. Students can finish Matric in 3 months only in the event that they failed their Matric year. You can apply to rewrite as soon as you fail.
Matric Upgrade
This course allows you to upgrade your Matric results. There is no limit to how many subjects you can write or the number of times you can write the exams.
Matric Upgrade allows you to change your subjects. For example, if you previously had Mathematics you can change it to Mathematical Literacy.
Many South Africans study through distance learning after leaving school. This provides them with skills to take their career to the next level.
What can I do after Matric?
Once you have received your Matric Certificate you can consider studying a National diploma course, usually, these will be referred to as NATED Courses.
Heres is a list of some of the NATED courses you might come across
- NATED Educare( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- NATED Human Resource Management( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- NATED Marketing Management( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- NATED Financial Management( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- NATED Business Management( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- NATED Legal Secretary( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- NATED Management Assistant( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
Is Distance Learning Right For Me?
Studying through distance learning comes with many benefits. These benefits include studying anywhere you want, working and studying at the same time, and saving on transport costs.
This does not mean it will be easier than classroom learning. It is up to you to make sure that your distance learning experience is a success. Here are a few tips that will help make your distance learning experience a success:
- Self-discipline
- Self-motivation
- Time Management
- Space to study
- Ask for help